Thursday, September 08, 2005

Case Study - The Virtual Travel Agency

...At On-Line travel, there are 40 travel consultants handling between 400 and 1000 calls per day,mostly from people responding to Teletext advertisments. There is no difference between this and most travel agencies, except this one has no retail shop and no visible call centre. On-Line travel is a 'virtual' travel agency founded in 1997 and flourishing...

See the article and more here (free registration required)

Here's a company that's the fourth fastest growing company in the UK. And they've been in operation since 1997 (8 years) and have been making substantial profits for the last 3. Last year's turnover, for example, was more than 110,000,000 Pounds - over 184,000,000 USD.

So next time you're thinking of a business idea, or thinking of ways to expand and improve an exisitng "brick and mortar" operation, think about having no office at all ... instead of saying 'it can't be done. start thinking of "how can i do it?"