Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Telecommuting -- Will Its Time Ever Come?

I started this little blog years ago and have been focusing on many other things, so I just left it here as a place holder. See and for a few of the things that have been occupying me.

Quite possibly this was a dumb thing to do. Anyone remember earth Day? No? It was only this past week!

Aside from many, many re-runs of Al Gore and his excellent "Inconvenient Truth" movie, made absolutely horrible by his boring, boring presentation ... why do people so rich and otherwise intelligent baulk at putting an actual actor on screen ... what could be more importnat, the future of the world or Al's ego? ... there was very little notice made.

Matt Cutts noted a few days ago that the domains Earth Day .com and Earth Day .net were parked ... irtually doing nothing. Whate were the owners of those doamins, and the rest of us doing?

You know for all the welcome advances in hybrid cars, fuel cells, bio-fuels, wind power, etc., etc., we seem to be overlooking one very simple fact here....

A huge percentage of the world' sfule costs, and environmental pollution is caused by people commuting to work. For the time being it certainly seems that work will be essential for people to eran aliving from. We could cut the resources, pollution and Global "bill" by a huge percentage ... literally the percentage is completely under our control .. by just doing nothing. Let people work from home!!!. Aside from someone shoveling coal into a furnace there are darn few jobs that can't be done, at least part of the time, remotely.

In many cases the costs and additional equioment required are _nill_. So, may I ask, what the ehck are we waiting for?

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